Wumpus sitting on the Discord chat bar.
How to Discord

How to Create & Upload Your Own Stickers on Discord

Putting some flourish in your messages is basically synonymous with Discord nowadays: if you use Discord to any extent, you’ve likely put plenty of emojis in your messages at some point, whether they were the normal emojis like 😬 or you added in a few custom emojis from your servers. 

Stickers on Discord are like BIG emoji: their enormous size can help express your emotions and put some PUNCH into your posts. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use Stickers, where you can find hundreds of stickers you can already use, and how you can upload and use your own stickers!

How Do I Use Stickers on Discord?

If you’ve ever added a custom emoji to your message, using a sticker will feel very familiar! 

To use a sticker, head into your chat bar and you’ll find an icon that looks like a square with its bottom-right corner peeling upwards, sorta like… wait for it… a sticker. Yes, I’m sure you were on the edge of your seats in anticipation of that one. 

The menu for selecting stickers in Discord.

In this menu, you’ll find the stickers of any servers you have access to, along with a selection of 300 stickers made by Discord that you can use anywhere, including in servers and DMs. (Cheerful Choco is a sleeper hit — everyone loves that lovebird!)

To use a sticker, just click on it and it’ll send instantly to chat! If you hold Shift when clicking on a sticker, you’ll attach it to the message you’re currently writing, allowing you to time the sticker sending to 

You can always use a server’s stickers within that server, and Nitro members can use any of their server’s stickers in any conversation, including in DMs or Group DMs.

How Can I Upload Stickers to Discord?

Just like custom emojis, custom stickers live on servers. In order to upload a sticker to Discord, you’ll need to either own a Discord server or be a moderator of a server with the “Manage Expressions” permission. 

If you’ve got the power to upload stickers, head into Server Settings > Stickers! Here, you’ll find a menu that looks just like the screenshot below that shows how many sticker slots you have available, any stickers you already have uploaded to the server, and even the server moderator who uploaded it. 

The Stickers menu in Server Settings.

When uploading a sticker, you’ll need to keep in mind these upload requirements: 

  • Image resolution: 320x320 exact
  • Supported image formats: PNG for static stickers, APNG or GIF for animated stickers 
  • File size limit: 512 KB max
  • Associated Emoji: Choose an emoji most similar to your sticker. This lets any stickers show up in places like sticker suggestions or search, making them easier to find and use.
  • (Optional) Text description: Help those using screen readers understand what your sticker represents and help make your stickers accessible and enjoyable by everyone.
Editing a sticker in Discord Server Settings.

Once you’ve got all this filled out, just hit “Upload” and you’re done! Now, everyone in your server will be able to enjoy your sticker. And if someone has Nitro, they’ll even be able to use your sticker in outside servers and conversation! Oh, the places your creation will go… 

How Many Stickers Can I Upload to Discord?

Every Discord server can add up to five stickers to start. If you’d like to upload more stickers to your server, you’ll need to use Server Boosting to access more sticker slots. 

Server Boosting perks as displayed inside Discord.

Depending on how boosted your server is, you can upload 5, 15, 30, or 60 stickers total! The chart above shows how many stickers each level of Server Boosting can provide. 

Tip: If you’re a Nitro member, your subscription comes with two boosts you can use on any server. If you use both your boosts on an unboosted server, that server will gain ten additional sticker slots!

If your server drops to a lower boosting tier while using your additional sticker slots, you won’t be able to use any stickers that were uploaded after you hit your server’s new sticker limit. You can choose whether or not you want to boost your server to regain access to those stickers, or start removing stickers until you reach your current limit. 

How Can I Make Stickers on Discord?

Stickers can be made out of your images, as long as you follow the upload requirements and follow our community guidelines. You don’t have to be a professional artist to make a sticker for Discord! 

And honestly, some of the best stickers have that sort of “slapped together with duct tape” jank to ‘em.

If you simply want to crop your image and make it a sticker, you can likely stick to using your computer’s built-in editing software, such as Microsoft Paint on Windows and Preview on macOS. (Yes, we just linked Microsoft Paint as if it were some groundbreaking new app… roll with it.) 

In addition, some Discord apps can automatically remove backgrounds from images posted in your conversations. If you’re looking for a one-click sticker solution, consider trying an app such as Picsart

The Picsart app for Discord creating a sticker by removing the background of an image.

Remember: the sticker you upload must be a 320x320 size exactly. To make Discord stickers from your phone, you may need to explore the Apple App Store or Google Play to find a suitable photo-editing app that lets you save an image at a specific resolution. 

Make Your Messages Truly Stick

Stickers are only a part of what you can do with your messages. You can also create, upload and use custom emoji in your servers! Check out our blog on making custom emoji if you’re looking to sprinkle some of those lil’ guys all over your message. 

Is there another Discord feature you'd like to learn about in a future blog post? Or are you tired of being the one explaining a certain feature to your friends over and over and want something to link to them instead? Send us a message on Instagram or Twitter (it’s Twitter) if you have an idea for what we should talk about in the next How-To article! 

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